
Showing posts from November, 2018

How To Succeed At Obamacare Without, Well...

So I did my Marketplace re-certification this morning, enabling me to sell ObamaPlans inwards the upcoming Open Enrollment v6.0. I anticipate that comp volition proceed to last less than generous, but at to the lowest degree nosotros bring some choices this year. As share of the re-cert curriculum, I learned that CMS has a Circle of Champions" accolade package, which includes " a letter, badge , together with access to a certificate " presumably suitable for framing. All for selling (IIRC) xx or to a greater extent than plans during this Open Enrollment season. But seems similar someone may bring constitute a short-cut. Thanks to co-blogger Bob V , nosotros acquire close this enterprising family: " A begetter together with boy from California bring pleaded guilty for their roles inwards a system that defrauded to a greater extent than than $27 ane 1000 one thousand from Affordable Care Act programs inwards at to the lowest degree 12 states ...  the Whites fraud

Price Transparency

Some people brand a big bargain close toll transparency inwards wellness care. Others don't. It seems the USA may last bending to the volition of the people together with volition motility towards around sort of drug transparency, toll regulation, or both. The federal regime said Mon that it wants to force drugmakers to break prices for prescription medicines inwards their TV commercials. The drug industry's primary merchandise grouping said drug companies are alone willing to break the prices on their websites, non inwards commercials, together with they'll start doing that adjacent spring . - KYW Almost every fourth dimension DC tries to "help" they brand things worse. Less competition. Higher prices. Fewer choices. The most feared words inwards the English linguistic communication language, "I am from the regime together with I am hither to assist you". Regarding drug toll transparency, Medicare prescription drug pricing has tot

From The Annals Of The Mvnhs©: Business Office 2,736

As UK of Britain too Northern Republic of Ireland NHS #SinglePayer crisis deepens, mortal assist surges 53%. Latest NHS rationing move: making patients locomote uncontrolled intense hurting for half-dozen months earlier getting hip surgery. #SinglePayerIsInhumane — Obamacare TruthSquad (@ObamacreTrthSqd) October 15, 2018

Boo! October's Spooky (And Wonderful) Wellness Wonk Review

Catch it over at Joe Paduda's place . Lots of practiced information on Open Enrollment, mental wellness as well as Big Pharma.

Premium Financing: A Primer (From The P&C Files)

So the other day, I saw an interesting thread on Twitter near “Premium Financing.” It piqued my interest, together with since we’ve never blogged on the subject, I asked the gentleman whose thread I was reading if he would hear explaining for our readers what it is together with how it works. Tim Randle is a Certified Financial Planner amongst sixteen years’ sense inward the fiscal services industry. He’s besides an insurance agent, registered representative, together with investment advisor representative, together with lives inward Alabama, amongst his wife, two kids, together with two larger than expected dogs. Take it away, Tim: ■ What is Premium Finance? As a modest concern owner, I may endure from beingness a flake of a command freak. Ever hand off to you? With a fiscal planning theater that out of necessity grew its ain insurance agency, nosotros institute using the available premium finance companies to last expensive together with restrictive. How could nosotros pick

Making Strides Against Pectus Cancer: Give Thank You Lot You!!

T hanks inwards large utilisation to our readers, Saturday's Strides Against Breast Cancer was a huge success. Personally, yours genuinely ended upward at the #6 location on th e Individual Leader Board, together with my squad (Love , Hope together with Faith) was #4 out of over 450 ! Altogether , our Walk raised virtually $200,000 - Fantastic! You tin still donate to this rattling worthy cau se . Thank You!!!

Tuesday Link Roundup

■ First up, from apparently learned nothing : " Trump direction makes it easier to avoid Obamacare taxation penalization ... The novel policy allows hardship exemptions to live on claimed without "the documentary prove or written explanation to a greater extent than oftentimes than non required ." What does this mean? Well, hollo upward " Epstein's Mo m ."

Where Tin One Abide By The Best Georgia Medicare Excogitation Supplement Rates?


Let's Beak Scope

We've talked earlier well-nigh the true release of folks who, prior to ObamaCare, were medically ineligible for private wellness insurance, most latterly here: " ObamaCare has failed patients amongst pre-existing weather condition ... Estimates propose that less than ane per centum of all people covered past times private insurance convey medically uninsurable weather condition that would brand them ineligible for medically underwritten coverage ." But that was then, together with this is now, together with nosotros convey this helpful video: About how many Americans faced barriers to wellness insurance coverage due to a pre-existing status earlier the Affordable Care Act? Keep watching. You mightiness endure surprised past times the answer. #healthcare #IWhc #PreExistingConditions — IWV (@IWV) October 22, 2018 (I couldn't honour a version on YouTube) [Hat Tip: @spongeworthy2]

Interesting Hsa Marketing

So this shows upwards on my Facebook feed: [click to embiggen] I reached out to the vendor to confirm that these are, inwards fact, legit HSA expenses, in addition to was assured that they were: " Yes, they are. All of them are available for HSA purchase. " But you lot know me, always skeptical, then I also reached out to our Gurus of HSA, FlexBank , for confirmation, which they happily provided: [click to embiggen] Hunh. So in that place you lot convey it: a unique in addition to potentially life-saving role for your HSA. Cool.

Careful What You Lot Want For Dept: Va Edition

A chip of foreshadowing for all those folks out at that topographic point clamoring for Medicare4All (aka s ocialized wellness "care"): This is enraging. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 veteran who had spinal fusion surgical operation was inward swell pain, oozing blood, in addition to his leg went numb. But he needed Department of Veterans Affairs’ blessing to telephone squall upward an ambulance. 😡 God bless Jimmy John’s. — Allison Reynolds (@chim0m) October 24, 2018 (Great sammiches, BTW)

Something Old, Something Novel [Updated]

[Scroll downward for Update] So dorsum inwards April, nosotros blogged on a medical insurance reimbursement model called reference-based pricing: " Briefly, this is where an employer enters direct into a contract amongst a infirmary (or other wellness assist provider, i supposes, including DPC) ... but tin give notice bear additional risks, every bit well, namely residuum billing " In that post, I actually defined the concept agency likewise narrowly, because it doesn't accept to endure contractual amongst the provider. Indeed, every bit FoB Jeff yard alerts us, it tin give notice endure inwards human relationship amongst one's insurance company: " MyChoice is a less expensive pick for families too modest businesses who may non endure able to afford other, higher-priced ACA plans ... This isn't a reduced-coverage plan, however. The cost savings are achieved through reference-based pricing. The conception reimburses customers direct for medical procedures

Mychoice: Usage 2

Last Friday, nosotros posted on a novel production existence rolled out past times Blue Cross/Blue Shield of North Carolina (BX): " MyChoice is a less expensive selection for families together with modest businesses who may non hold upwards able to afford other, higher-priced ACA plans " The product's "hook" is that, instead of paying negotiated rates (as inwards PPO together with HMO models), the innovation reimburses " up to " 140% of what Medicare would pay. So, for example, if the Dr. charges $100, together with Medicare would direct maintain paid $60, MyChoice would reimburse $84 (leaving $16 equally a potential residual to hold upwards billed). Now it's possible, given the "up to" wording, that the carrier may, inwards fact, shipping a banking concern jibe for (substantially?) less than this. But it gets fifty-fifty to a greater extent than interesting: I had at offset taken this to hold upwards a innovation for modest employers,

How Master Copy Medicare Industrial Plant Video - No Networks


It's Your Birthday

Medicare states amongst exceptional rules. Most states follow CMS guidelines most when i tin post away enroll inwards a Medicare supplement (Medigap) computer program in addition to whether or non you lot tin post away last medically underwritten. But a few states follow their ain rules. [click to enlarge] Birthday rules. Anniversary rules. Rule rules. Here is a sampling of what you lot tin post away expect. In New York in addition to Connecticut, Medigap plans are guaranteed final result year-round. California in addition to Oregon both accept “birthday rules” that let Medigap enrollees a xxx hateful solar daytime window next their birthday each twelvemonth when they tin post away switch, without medical underwriting, to some other Medigap computer program amongst the same or lesser benefits. In Maine, Medigap enrollees tin post away switch to a dissimilar Medigap computer program amongst the same or lesser benefits at whatsoever fourth dimension during the year

Canuckcare© Ftw

Surprise! This adult woman spent 47 hours waiting for surgical physical care for inwards the Sunnybrook ER, alongside shattered wrists, a broken elbow, cracked ribs together with internal bleeding. An investigation into the overcrowding of Toronto ERs.. — Dutch Rojas (@DutchRojas) October 28, 2018 Money quote: " There was a curtain, but no switch to plow off the lights at night. That place would hold upwards Yerxa’s dwelling for the side past times side nineteen hours—and her predicament would drib dead worse from there ." But hey: Free!

Quite New Medical Tourism Idea

Wow: A Utah insurer is offering bird tickets to San Diego, transportation to Tijuana, together with a $500 cash payout to patients who take away for sure pricey drugs for multiple sclerosis, cancer, together with autoimmune disorders. — Rebecca Robbins (@RebeccaDRobbins) October 29, 2018

Obamacare Auto-Reminder

Heads' up, courtesy of the CMS inward e-mail this morning: " If your clients produce non update their Marketplace application in addition to enroll inward a innovation Nov 1-December 15, they may hold out automatically enrolled inward a 2019 plan ." If you're okay amongst that, thus no involve to accept action. On the other hand, if you'd similar to encounter what's "new in addition to improved" out on the marketplace position [ Spoiler Alert: pretty much zilch ], thus starting tomorrow y'all tin larn a quote for a novel plan, preferably through the services of a local, professional, independent agent. Oh, in addition to if y'all don't, in addition to you'd similar to croak on your innovation as-is? Well, that may non hold out possible: " Individuals currently enrolled inward plans through issuers that volition non hold out participating inward the Marketplace for 2019. These consumers volition hold out matched amongst an alt

More On Cms (Moron Cms?)

In illustration yous were nether any illusion that The DC Rocket Surgeons © convey gained a single clue lo these yesteryear vi years, good let's only disabuse ourselves of that notion. Readers may remember that I did my annual Marketplace re-certification a few weeks ago , at which fourth dimension I received a certificate (suitable for framing!) hence attesting. You may imagine my surprise - my dismay - to hence have this inwards e-mail this morning: " Our records exhibit yous convey non completed Marketplace registration as well as preparation for conception twelvemonth 2019. To avoid losing your Marketplace access for Open Enrollment showtime on Nov 1, yous must consummate conception twelvemonth 2019 registration yesteryear Oct 31 ." What??? After a frantic telephone phone telephone to the Exchange folks, including a 30+ infinitesimal fourth dimension on hold, I was assured that this was an fault on their part, as well as the prissy human could exclusively confir

On Opened Upwardly Enrollment V6.0: Perspective

So equally Open Enrollment '19 kicked off yesterday, lots of folks checking out the novel plans as well as (of course) higher rates. Our friend Rich Weinstein offers this helpful factoid that may plow over us a hint of things to come upward this fourth dimension 'round: Has anyone noticed there's exclusively abt 10m enrolled inwards exchanges & the (2013) baseline guess is nigh triple that? I know 8m were to live on screwed out of ESI & sent to HIX via Cadillac Tax. But that nevertheless leaves an additional 10m shortfall. Obamacare's an epic failure. — Rich Weinstein (@phillyrich1) October 31, 2018

Canuckcare© Gone Private

A grouping inward British Columbia has offered medical waiting-list insurance to members whose authorities handling is on hold ." And, of course, it's well-documented that this is a employment for a lot of our Neighbors to the North: " My father’s starting fourth dimension oncologist engagement was scheduled for afterward he died ." Well, ameliorate belatedly than ... Oh. A one-half dozen years ago, Bob posted on the Surgery Center of Oklahoma, which " operates on a cash exclusively basis. They produce non bring wellness insurance, Medicare or Medicaid funds ." Turns out, our Neighbors to the North likewise get got their ain version: " Check out Timely Medical Alternatives inward Canada, which specializes inward helping Canadians uncovering affordable attention (for cash payment) instead of waiting inward the queue ." And indeed, when i visits the (aptly named) " Timely Medical Alternatives " site, i is greeted alongside an informative

Tuesday Linkfest

call out to a greater extent than or less of its to a greater extent than ... enthusiastic ... proponents. Mark Aubry (of Impact Capitalists) alerts us to "The eight Problems alongside Direct Care Medicine:" " [I]n this illustration it's genuinely terms the MVNHS© to a greater extent than coin to struggle his beingness flown elsewhere for handling at his parents' expense. " And together with then i powerfulness endure justified inwards thinking they'd hitting stone bottom. Justified, but wrong: Children's operations cancelled yesteryear NHS upward 58 per cent since austerity began, novel figures present @Independent — Sally Pipes (@sallypipes) October 29, 2018 But hey, free!

Mixing Organized Faith Together With Health

I'm non actually certain that I uncovering what I'm virtually to percentage credible, but it is intriguing, together with who knows, maybe there's something to it. In whatever event, it's something rattling different.  Let's offset amongst the Jewish usage of " laying t'fillin :" The usage comes to us from several sources. The Torah (Jewish Bible) tells us inwards Deuteronomy together with inwards Exodus to " bind them every minute a sign upon your hand, together with they shall locomote for frontlets betwixt your eyes ." Observant Jews (and Jewish tradition) has interpreted that to hateful wrapping one's left arm (near the heart) together with one's caput amongst exceptional leather straps (at proscribed times together with using a specific ritual together with prayers). But  what the heck does this accept to produce amongst insurance or wellness care, Henry? Well, FoIB Holly R sent us this rather interesti

Rx In Addition To Profits: A Opposite Perspective

There's no query that the toll of prescription medication is a pregnant driver of wellness insurance costs. And there's decent plenty prove that "Big Pharma" plays yesteryear ... ummm ... perchance different rules than most industries, racking upwards fairly decent profits ( NTTAWWT ). And nosotros hear from the "health attention press" on a daily footing how bad this is for consumers together with patients. But maybe there's a skillful reason for this: afterwards all, inward a (nominally) gratis company system, greater adventure should justify greater return. Okay, Henry, what the heck are yous babbling on about? Well, this: "the USA generates to a greater extent than novel medicines annually than the balance of the globe combined. Specifically, it produces 57 per centum of all novel drugs each year. Switzerland is minute amongst xiii percent;" — Bob Tufts (@TuftsB) November 6, 2018 Keep inward require he

From The P&C Files: Ooops!


Stupid, Self-Defeating Carrier Tricks

So, cause got a (long-time) customer that needs a short term medical plan . Decided on ane from United Healthcare (don't judge). After choosing deductible together with co-insurance options, nosotros started the " Broker Assisted Application " procedure (which basically agency that I create total inwards his cite together with engagement of birth, etc, together with checking describe of piece of employment organization human relationship info). Once that's done, I press a push that sends him a link, he completes that link alongside his in conclusion cite together with engagement of birth, together with then hits popular off on to post it dorsum to me for finalization. Well, that's the way it's supposed to work, anyway. What happened this forenoon - repeatedly - was that he would larn the link, larn inwards the info, press the magic button, together with endure told: "Application non found ." Really, together with then how the $@()*^ did yous kn