Canuckcare© Gone Private

A grouping inward British Columbia has offered medical waiting-list insurance to members whose authorities handling is on hold."

And, of course, it's well-documented that this is a employment for a lot of our Neighbors to the North:

"My father’s starting fourth dimension oncologist engagement was scheduled for afterward he died."

Well, ameliorate belatedly than ... Oh.

A one-half dozen years ago, Bob posted on the Surgery Center of Oklahoma, which "operates on a cash exclusively basis. They produce non bring wellness insurance, Medicare or Medicaid funds."

Turns out, our Neighbors to the North likewise get got their ain version:

"Check out Timely Medical Alternatives inward Canada, which specializes inward helping Canadians uncovering affordable attention (for cash payment) instead of waiting inward the queue."

And indeed, when i visits the (aptly named) "Timely Medical Alternatives" site, i is greeted alongside an informative banner that touts their xiv years of experience, twenty facilities inward Canada together with the US, together with (like their Sooner State colleagues) pregnant discounts. Best of all, they comport on 2 IB "hot buttons:" speed together with transparency.


"Recent bear witness suggests that Canadians who bespeak surgeries await on average for around twenty weeks to have the handling they deserve, to a greater extent than than twice equally long equally national averages from when information starting fourth dimension was collected a footling to a greater extent than than twenty years ago"

But hey, free, right?

And transparency: i has exclusively to conduct from the carte du jour of services provided, together with alongside a click of the mouse have a free, no obligation quote.


[Hat Tip: Twila  Brase]


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