Obamacare Auto-Reminder

Heads' up, courtesy of the CMS inward e-mail this morning:

"If your clients produce non update their Marketplace application in addition to enroll inward a innovation Nov 1-December 15, they may hold out automatically enrolled inward a 2019 plan."

If you're okay amongst that, thus no involve to accept action. On the other hand, if you'd similar to encounter what's "new in addition to improved" out on the marketplace position [Spoiler Alert: pretty much zilch], thus starting tomorrow y'all tin larn a quote for a novel plan, preferably through the services of a local, professional, independent agent.

Oh, in addition to if y'all don't, in addition to you'd similar to croak on your innovation as-is? Well, that may non hold out possible:

"Individuals currently enrolled inward plans through issuers that volition non hold out participating inward the Marketplace for 2019. These consumers volition hold out matched amongst an alternate innovation from a unlike issuer."

Seems similar at that topographic point was about sort of explicit hope made, dorsum inward the day.

Oh, yeah.


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