Mixing Organized Faith Together With Health

I'm non actually certain that I uncovering what I'm virtually to percentage credible, but it is intriguing, together with who knows, maybe there's something to it. In whatever event, it's something rattling different.

 Let's offset amongst the Jewish usage of "laying t'fillin:"

The usage comes to us from several sources. The Torah (Jewish Bible) tells us inwards Deuteronomy together with inwards Exodus to "bind them every minute a sign upon your hand, together with they shall locomote for frontlets betwixt your eyes." Observant Jews (and Jewish tradition) has interpreted that to hateful wrapping one's left arm (near the heart) together with one's caput amongst exceptional leather straps (at proscribed times together with using a specific ritual together with prayers).

But  what the heck does this accept to produce amongst insurance or wellness care, Henry?

Well, FoIB Holly R sent us this rather interesting article connecting them:

"A airplane pilot written report led past times researchers at the University of Cincinnati (UC) College of Medicine suggests Jewish men who usage wearing tefillin ... may have cardiovascular wellness benefits."

To locomote fair, this is a very express study, including but a grade of Jewish men, about of whom regularly engage inwards this practice, together with about who produce non (control group).  And of course, correlation causation, but still, intriguing findings:

"We institute people who vesture tefillin inwards either the curt or long term, recorded a measureable positive upshot on their blood flow. That has been associated amongst improve outcomes inwards pump disease."



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